Functional Nutrition is the Cornerstone of Modern Healthcare

The twenty-first century’s complex, chronic health issues need a holistic nutritional approach that looks at genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors and provides a systems-based framework for treatment. Functional nutrition improves patient outcomes in diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, chronic fatigue, neuro-degeneration, bone health, cardiac health, and musculoskeletal well-being. 

Learn the fundamentals of applying nutrition to your practice through a leading-edge, streamlined, implementable system that will provide you with actionable steps to take your practice to a whole new level. Each module can be a stand-alone course.  To earn the Functional Nutrition Certification (FNC) credential, you must complete all online coursework and associated quizzes, attend two live, in-person weekend courses and pass a comprehensive final exam.

Course Blueprint

  • Hybrid Learning Experience

    You'll also attend two dynamic, in-person 12 hour weekend courses to learn the fundamentals of gut-joint connections, immune system optimization, and more. In between the first and final live session, you'll complete 24 hours of online, self-paced coursework with lifetime access to serve as an on-going reference as you begin implementing what you learned.

  • An Emphasis on Practical Application

    Knowledge is power. But only if you know how to apply what you've learned. Our course content is structured so that you learn how to easily implement what you've learned in practice so that you can maximize efficiency and achieve improved patient outcomes. This pieces is so important, we've dedicated an entire 2 hour online course module to real-world application and implementation.

  • Who Can Take This Course?

    This program is specifically for chiropractors and other licensed healthcare professionals that can order and interpret diagnostic blood panels, recommend nutrition protocols and prescribe dietary changes and/or supplements within their scope of practice. This includes students that have completed their basic sciences, enrolled in qualifying healthcare degree programs.

Are you Ready to Elevate Your Patient Care?

Which of these statements sounds most like you?

  • I feel like I'm only scratching the surface with my current treatment methods.

  • I'm interested in adding to my 'clinical toolbelt' and expand my offerings.

  • I want a better understanding of nutrition to help my patients suffering from chronic conditions.


Current Texas Chiropractic College Students can enroll for FREE

All students in Trimesters 3 and above are eligible to enroll. Click the link below to submit the registration form. You must attend both live course dates and all online hours to qualify for FNC Certification.

Register Now

Each registration option includes attendance at both live weekends and all online coursework with lifetime access.

The Path to Functional Nutrition Certification

Complete 50 Hours of Coursework in this Hybrid Program. You'll gain immediate access to the online modules to begin right away.
Modules can be completed in any order.

Module 1:
In-Person 12 Hour Course

Live Weekend #1
October 26-27, 2024

Integration of Functional Nutrition:
A Comprehensive Approach to Diagnostics and Intervention

Module 2:
12 Hour Online Course

12 Hours of Online, Self-Paced Coursework

The Microbiota and the Gut-Joint Connection in Health and Disease

Module 3:
12 Hour Online Course

12 Hours of Online, Self-Paced Coursework

Immune Reboot: A Guide to Maximizing Immunity, Restoring Gut Health, and Optimizing Vitality

Module 4:
In-Person 12 Hour Course

Live Weekend #2
November 23-24, 2024

The Gut-Joint Connection:
A 21st Century Approach to Musculoskeletal Conditions

Module 5
2 Hour Online Course

2 Hours of Online, Self-Paced Coursework

Incorporating Functional Nutrition into your Patient Care - A Practical Guide for Implementation


To Fulfill the Requirements of the FNC Credential and Certification, you must pass all module quizzes with a score of 70% or higher and a final exam.

Course Instructor

Dr. Robert G. Silverman


Dr. Robert Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, national/international speaker, author of Amazon’s #1 bestseller “Inside-Out Health,” founder and CEO of Westchester Integrative Health Ctr. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic and has a Master of Science in human nutrition. The ACA Sports Council named Dr. Silverman “Sports Chiropractor of the Year” in 2015. Dr. Silverman is on the advisory board for the Functional Medicine University and is a seasoned health and wellness expert on both the speaking circuits and the media. Dr. Silverman is a thought leader in his field and practice, a frequently published author in peer-reviewed journals and other mainstream publications. Dr. Silverman was the principal investigator on two Level 1 laser FDA studies. His new book, Amazon’s best seller, Immune Reboot, was released in December 2022.

Complete your Functional Nutrition Certification

Enroll in the full 50 hour Functional Nutrition Certification Program to earn your FNC credentials. Complete 26 hours of online, self-paced coursework and attend two 12 hour live weekend courses.

Module 1: Oct 26-27, 2024
Module 4: Nov 23-24, 2024

All live courses hosted at:
Texas Chiropractic College
5912 Spencer Hwy Pasadena, TX 77505

Saturday: 8:00AM - 5:30PM
Sunday: 8:00AM - 12:15PM
Learning Resource Building Room L206

Up to 12hrs of CE Credit Available in Texas and many other states. See CE Approvals below for details.