Treating Insomnia with Acupuncture
Uncover the complexities of insomnia beyond the Western perspective. Learn how Eastern medicine views insomnia not just as a symptom but as a signal of deeper imbalances within the body.
In this two-hour, self-paced course, you'll explore TCM's diagnostic patterns related to insomnia such as liver fire and heart qi deficiency. Learn how these patterns inform treatment strategies, guiding you to tailor acupuncture approaches for effective relief and healing.
Our comprehensive curriculum is designed with a clear, actionable plan for integrating acupuncture in the treatment of Insomnia. From beginners to seasoned practitioners, transform your approach to healing with actionable take-aways, case studies and real-world examples.
Our Advanced Acupuncture Courses meet the online education requirements for the following:
Chiropractors working towards earning their Diplomate in Chiropractic Acupuncture (DABCA)
Chiropractors and Chiropractic Students who have completed the 100hr Chiropractic Acupuncture Certification
Chiropractors seeking to expand their knowledge in a particular area of interest.
Learning to Navigate the Course Platform - Tutorial Video
Video Lesson: Treating Insomnia with Acupuncture (78 min)
Final Quiz: Required for Course Completion
Register now for immediate access to start learning right away.
Professional Registration
(includes CE)
Student Registration
Each course offers hours towards completing the ABCA's Diplomate in Chiropractic Acupuncture
Learn an integrative approach to treating PTSD, combining the precision of acupuncture with the support of supplements and the latest research.
This course unveils the potential of acupuncture in addressing various forms of anxiety, offering healthcare professionals and students a profound understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine's role in mental health.
Explore the holistic view of TCM on depression against the backdrop of Western medical treatments. Gain insights into how acupuncture can offer a complementary or alternative path to traditional medication and psychotherapy.